The Fleamarket in Cape Coral.

If you are in Cape Coral, you can also enjoy our fleamarket.
Here you will find many interesting things for everyone.

While you stroll through the corridors, you can also eat at the numerous bistros.

It’s worth taking a look here.

Eplore Fleamasters: home page | directory | location maps
Want information about selling at Fleamasters?

Easy to find:
Fleamasters is located
on S.R. 82 1-1/4 miles west
of I-75 (exit 138)
Ft. Myers, Florida
ph: (239) 334-7001

Click to see detailed
maps of Fleamasters

Fleamasters Homepage
Also see Pavilion Map and Main Market Map


Parken und Eintritt FREI

Bag a bargin!

Frisches Obst und Gemüse direkt vom Bauern
Antiquitäten, Kunst, Handwerks- und Handarbeiten usw.
Markenware zu Discountpreisen
Große Auswahl Speisen und Getränken
Über 400,000 sq feet, alles überdacht